Brooklyn 2.0 Proves Silicon Alley Crossed East River
Brooklyn 2.0 is a place for web developers, application developers and tech hobbyists to get together. It's another MeetUp that usually convenes at the Pacific Standard Bar on Fourth Avenue. This group doesn't work from an agenda; rather, it's organic and spontaneous. The people who come are welcoming and just want to know what you do and how you do it.This is not the place to keep things too close to your chest, though I suspect many have copyrighted or trademarked their products. Brooklyn 2.0 is very much talking shop and getting the kinks out. It's also great to get front end and backend software questions answered. Are you having problems with link love or don't understand the power of social bookmarking? There's someone who will explain.
There was a discussion on security and privacy. Privacy is keeping someone's Internet surfing his business. So the issue is keeping out cookies. Security is keeping a computer's Internet account and files from intrusive outside eyes. Passwords are basic security tools. This conversation evolved from the description of a new social media site called let's users share various types of files and transmit them by fax, phone, web or email. It's to the user's discretion the kinds of files that are uploaded--just know anything placed on the Web is there 'forever.' went live November 2007 and is a Brooklyn-based concern. People around the table were concerned about predators taking advantage of the younger, more revealing users. The developer explained there's no encryption technology. This means everyone's activity is wide open. Predators don't like being in the spot light.
Talking tech leads to learning about subcultures, particularly when it's social media tech. Social media is setting up a platform for people of like minds to associate. Take is a social media for music fans. It includes music genres like Classic Rock, R & B, Blues, Emo and Screamo. What's Screamo and Emo? Their musical styles that evoke a mood or emotion or is highlighted by mucho yelling, screaming and roaring. Emo and Screamo are new to the music scene with growing followings.
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